Posts Tagged ‘boys’

Whales and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

October 5, 2007

Yesterday I did a very informal survey of the 11 boys in my kindergarten classroom.  I explained that I needed their help to create a list of things boys like.  I made no attempt to lead them.  They were happy to fill me in on what boys like.  One or two at a time they came to my desk and here is the list they helped to compile. This morning when I shared the list with the class they had even more to add but you’ll get the picture.

“Legos, Blue, Red, Green, Games, Star Wars, treasure, Out of Jimmy’s Head, Cars, Gold, Lightning McQueen, Danny Phantom, building, play with friends outside, whistles, dinosaurs, grizzly bears, circus clowns, video games, webkins, music, firetrucks, riding around the neighborhood and giving invitations to my friends for the club, watching army shows, I like to dive and save the net in my soccer game, xbox360, PS2, painting, coloring, swimming, coming to school, cats and dogs, toys, Coke and Sprite, pizza, brownies, chicken, thing that smell bad, Wii, wrestling, being crazy, climbing on trees, working with their dads building stuff, boys like to run, they like to skateboard and gotta learn how to make arm pit noises…”

That’s what little boys are made of.

I plan to finish the girls list soon but if the initial list is  any indication, then I have to assume that girls are sugar and spice and everything nice!  Of course that me just be my bias.  I’m sure boys think arm pit noises are very nice.